about us

Kazeto Ltd. specializes in manufacturing of cardboard products in present. Our production we divide into the following groups: interior accessories, children´s products and riveted suitcases. Our products are attractive, modern and are useful for homes and offices. Most of our production is exported abroad to our distributors, wholesales and retailers in West Europe, Scandinavia and the USA.

Our business is built on traditional production methods on masterly craft of our staff. In the design division, we are in partnership with a large range of domestic and international designers as well.

Our products can be seen in all the grand retail centres and prestigious touristic destinations, an important part of the production is exported also to various EU countries, Scandinavia and the USA.


The factory was established by Karel Zejda in 1925 (this is where the name comes from: KArel ZEjda TOvarna=FActory).

The factory was very successful in possession of unique equipment for producing all components suitable for complementation, that is why it was absolutely self-sufficient at that time.

In 1948 the factory was nationalized.

As a national company Kazeto was producing the same assortment until 1989. At that time there were new conditions made for returning the property back to the heirs of the founder of the company. In 1997 the restitution was finished by establishing the company KAZETO Ltd. A satisfied customer is the biggest concern of the owners, the management and the employees of Kazeto. Therefore the strategical aim of the company is a long term and systematic care about the quality together with more proficient development and production of new modern products.


© 2015 - 2025 KAZETO, společnost s ručením omezeným (spol. s r.o.), Husova 19, 750 02 Přerov, Czech republic - All rights reserved